Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not my words

My words are not good enough. I try to articulate my own thoughts about social justice, if only in my head. But as I think, words of others poke into my ideas, phrases that say what I’m trying to say. Maybe my words will be stronger when they’re based on more action…a work in progress for me. So now, to give you my thoughts, I turn to thoughts not my own, to Dr. Paul Farmer’s words from Pathologies of Power:

“In my experience, people who work for social justice, regardless of their own station in life, tend to see the world as deeply flawed. They see the conditions of the poor not only as unacceptable but as a result of structural violence that is human-made…Often, if these individuals are privileged people like me, they understand that hey have been implicated, whether directly or indirectly, in the creation or maintenance of this structural violence. They then feel indignation, but also humility and penitence.”

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