Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another six-word story

Refer to March 22 and April 5, 2008 posts about the six-word memoirs. This one is from my friend Matt. (I am happy to post others!) A thought for today:

Isn't it cheating to use contractions?

'Change' for Haiti?

In a time when my pragmatic hopes are simply grounded in our President helping lead the world through an economic "panic"--why not avoid euphemisms and go back to the 19th century term?--and to some greater peace and understanding between nations, and environmental stewardship, and healthcare improvements, and...

Well, I guess my hopes are many, and Haiti is always among them (I supported Dodd early on because he's taken strong actions for Haiti's truth and justice, even calling for an investigative commission for the 2004 coup against Aristide).

But....I honestly have not thought Obama would add to his consideration this desperate, oft-neglected island. So, wow, kudos Mr. President for inching in the right direction: