Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dr. Paul Farmer Interview

Dr. Paul Farmer, physician and anthropologist--and social justice advocate for the poorest of the poor--visited Notre Dame this fall for our Academic Forum on "The Global Health Crisis." He joined amazing development economist Dr. Jeffrey Sachs as distinguished guest on the panel.

On my profile, you'll see Dr. Farmer's books are listed under favorites. I wish we didn't have to read about the suffering of the poor--which would mean they weren't suffering--but "Pathologies of Power" was the most poignant, compelling work I've ever read. I believe it, along with "The Uses of Haiti" and "Infections and Inequalities," have significantly shaped my worldview. I hope it continues to be shaped--and I continue to shape it--in this way.

When Dr. Farmer was here, I had the chance to interview him:


  1. I'll second that. I didn't know you got to do that. (Nice blog too.)

  2. Wow...

    I... don't think I would ever know anyone that did stuff like this...

    Just amazing.

  3. Coco, do I know you? I couldn't see your blog.

    You're right, Dr. Farmer is amazing. He is solidarity with the poor. But he really shows that real help can be given, that problems can be solved.
