Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Global Medicine

"Remember you are a guest in this country. You are here to listen, to learn, and to possibly respond to the issues facing this nation if you feel so moved. You are not here to judge or to intentionally or unintentionally insult or disparage people whose lives you may never completely understand or identify with. You are not here to "fix" anything.

Please do not attempt to put what you will see and experience into an American context. You are no longer in the US and viewing Haiti through that lens will frustrate you and may insult your hosts, the people of Haiti. You are encouraged to ask questions and engage in active meaningful dialogue with the people you meet. That is one way--though not the only way--to learn about life in the villages, and slums.

For those of you who like to talk and ask a lot of questions, we ask that you occasionally shut up and listen. For those of you who say little but may have valuable contributions to make to discussions, we encourage you to speak up. At all times, be respectful of our people, cultures, and ways of life.

Again, welcome to Haiti. We hope you enjoy your stay and that you come in right."

~Adapted from Kevin Winge's "Never Give Up"
[Written for South Africa, but I think generally applicable]


  1. Exactly Bren... it rings true indeed. And what a blessing it is to truly listen. OfortheP indeed!

  2. Bren, you are sooo right indeed. What a blessing to truly listen. OfortheP indeed.
