Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Yo creo en vos: compañero, humano, obrero

Sunday morning, I am with the "Pueblo de Dios en Camino," a base eclesial community in San Ramón, just minutes from my house. It´s a Catholic group, yet there´s no priest present because a very conservative pastor arrived to the parish several years ago and didn´t accept the group´s participatory nature. Determined to listen, reflect, and act together, the "pueblo" continue on.

The centre is full of murals and posters. Many of Monseñor Romero of course. A breathtakingly detailed jungle scene. And a depiction of significant massacres on painted map, with little pictorals in each area of the country.

The person convening us welcomes me, saying I may participate for as long as I´m here.

The songs are lively and concrete, expressing the desires of the disenfranchised. Their version of the creed calls Jesus their "compañero" and "obrero"(worker).

The homily is a group reflection the gospel they´ve heard, with even a 13-year-old girl speaking eloquently. Everyone hugs absolutely everyone else at the sign of peace.

The petition prayers are also participatory. Most moving to me was the last I heard, "thank you for bringing us here, so we can share what we have with each other."


  1. You are living in San Ramón!!!! Wonderful news and I can't think of a better place to learn. I am thrilled to hear that the small Christian communities are still leading word services. San Ramón is a special place.

  2. Not sure who this is... but no I´m not living in San Ramon. Live nearby, with my a lovely couple, in Miralvalle. But am very grateful to be welcomed to San Ramon for celebrations. Awesome group of people.
